HeLa Nuclear Extracts (Not dialysed)
$1020,00 – $1530,00
Volume: from 150ul to 15ml. Concentration:~6mg/ml (Bradford). Hela Nuclear Extracts are prepared from fresh cells in exponential phase only (Viability>95%). Preparation witout dialysis.
HeLa cell
The HeLa cell line was established from an adenocarcinoma of the cervix in 1952. It is the first continuous human cell line.
Quality Control
Cultures are screened for the presence of bacteria, yeast, fungi and mycoplasma (DNA amplification). NBCS used in the culture medium is certified from New Zealand origin.
HeLa Nuclear Extracts Production
HeLa cells are grown in sonoperfused fedbatch (cytostat) mode at a constant concentration of 5×106 cells/ml (cell viability: 93%-99%) under GLP conditions in our facility in Mons, Belgium. Cells are harvested in exponential phase.
The Nuclear Extracts are prepared according to:
Dignam, J. D., Lebovitz, R. M., and Roeder, R. G. (1983) Nucleic Acids Res. 11, 1475-1489
Conc. Protein (Bradford) = +/- 6 mg/ml
No dialysis is performed during the preparation of this product. The preparation stopped after the ultra-centrifugation step. Buffer composition is then the same as the extraction buffer.
Research Use
Our HeLa Nuclear Extracts are used by research or production entities worldwide for the study of biochemical processing, high throughput screening or purification of biological material from human origin.
Source of HDAC activity, transcription factors, chromatin proteins and histones.
Also suitable for use in:
- separation by SDS-PAGE;
- Gel Shift assays used for protein-DNA interactions studies;
- HDAC assays;
- positive control for Western Blot assays;
- in vitro splicing;
- transcription factors studies;
- cell division cycle and apoptosis studies;
- spliceosome and other proteome studies (DNA ends, snRNP’s, DNA PKcs, …).
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- Stefan Reber, Jolanda Stettler1, Giuseppe Filosa, Martino Colombo Daniel Jutzi, Silvia C Lenzken, Christoph Schweingruber, Rémy Bruggmann, Angela Bachi, Silvia ML Barabino, Oliver Mühlemann & Marc-David Ruepp (2016) Minor intron splicing is regulated by FUS and affected by ALS-associated FUS mutants. The EMBO Journal 35: 1504–1521
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Additional information
Weight | N/A |
Dimensions | N/A |